Home Heritage Features of the church

Features of the church

the ‘rose’ window – ‘faith, hope and charity’

The ‘rose’ or round window is unusual in its design, being mullioned. This is entirely in keeping with the quirkiness of the church’s original design – the architect liked asymmetry. Look around the church for other features which are a bit ‘odd’ or don’t match: eg different shaped pillars, different window designs, the blocked up doorway leading into/out of the pulpit.

The Martha and Mary window by Shrigley and Hunt.

This window illustrates a famous story in the gospels in which Jesus is at the house of his friends Martha, Mary and Lazarus. Martha is sorting out the food whilst Mary sits at Jesus’s feet and listens. Not surprisingly Martha has a hissy fit because Mary isn’t helping. Jesus tells both women that it is right for the women to sit at the feet of the rabbi and learn – something which at the time was regarded as a male privilege.

Shrigley and Hunt were highly regarded arts and crafts style window makers based in London and Lancaster.

a miniature landscape in one of the windows

have a close look at the windows… many have miniature landscapes within them. Others have beautifully painted flowers. The Victorians came up with a whole language associated with flowers – floriography – Nearly every flower has a special meaning and, in times when some words could not be spoken aloud, bouquets would say a thousand words.

Some of the windows are war memorials dedicated to individuals or groups of people. Details of those commemorated in the memorials are available for viewing in church on request from the churchwardens.